Transfer of Technology Division
- Transfer of Technology (ToT) Division transfers the institute's technologies, develops entrepreneurship providing technical training and capacity building, arrange Front Line Demonstrations (FLD) and participate in different exhibitions, fairs and mela for promoting the developed technologies.
- It is developing the project profile of viable technologies and rendering technical assistance for incubates.
- The division also maintains an exhibit counter to showcase the products developed from different natural fibres and its residues.
- In addition to the all divisions, the following section are assisting to carry R&D works in the Institute.

- Training & Design facilities equipped with JUKI sewing machine, computerized embroidery machine, etc.
- Dyeing & bleaching unit for supporting incubates and artesian
- Seminar Room equipped with facility for virtual meeting.
- Sales and exhibit corner with different exhibits of handicrafts, bags, file folder and decorative yarn etc.
- Jute Handicraft training under SCSP/AVI
- Participation of different exhibition

Institute Technology Management Unit (ITMU)
Patent Details:
Training on IPR
Institute Technology Management Committee Meeting
Business Incubation Centre
Ornamental fabric manufacturing unit (manual and automatic)

HoD (Acting) ToT Division: Dr. Alok Nath Roy, Principal Scientist