Institute Joint Staff Council

The Director, ICAR-National Institute of Natural Fibre Engineering and Technology, Kolkata has constituted the Institute Joint Staff Council (IJSC) of ICAR-NINFET. The tenure of the Institute Joint Staff Council (IJSC) will be for three years with effective from 12.02.2020 to 11.02.2023.


The list of IJSC member is as follows:

Staff Side

1 Sh. Rama Kanta Mishra, Sr. Tech. Assistant Member as well as member of CJSC
2 Sh. Sujit Kar, AAO Member
3 Sh. Shahzad Javed, AAO Member
4 Sh. Morshed Biswas, SS Staff Member
5 Sh. Ashok Kumar Das, Sr. Technician Member

Official Side

1 Director Chairman
2 Sr. Administrative Officer Member
3 Finance & Accounts Officer Member
4 Dr. S. Sengupta, HoD, MP Division Member
5 Dr. D.P. Ray, PS, QE&I Division Member
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